The Trust Pyramid

Originally written November2022

What person can know everything about everything? Definitely not me. Thus, we chose to trust those we think should know the facts. With my cardiac issues, I went to a highly recommended electro-cardiologist to sort it out. After one of my surgeries, I had an odd reaction – coughing up blood and difficulty breathing. These were symptoms of congestive heart failure. But testing showed my arteries were all open. Perplexed, my cardiologist went back to his teacher and learned he had ablated a spot that could cause that reaction for a few days.

Since we cannot know even 1% of any one broad subject, we turn to those that are considered experts for guidance. And they turn to their experts as they also are busy. This could be considered the Trust Pyramid. So, we listen to our expert who is getting his advice from his expert on up to the top. We trust our medical community because in medicine, the Hippocratic oath is to do no harm. So, when the American Medical Association makes a declarative statement, we assume they have the science behind it and our best in mind. But do those at the top of the trust pyramid have our best interest as their guiding North Star? Or have activists, or frauds, infiltrated the top echelon of the pyramid over the years?

In the last few years we have seen a dramatic jump in cases of gender dysphoria in our children and teens, a ‘condition’ where a male or female is not comfortable with their sexuality as created by God. So “affirming care” has been promoted to the neglect of other issues such as child abuse or other psychiatric issues. And part of that “affirming care” includes changing a person’s pronouns, clothing attire, and perhaps puberty blockers. Then, we discover that schools are keeping information from parents because the child may no longer “feel safe” at home to be the gender or ‘non-binary’ gender that they may feel at the time. Add to that drag queens coming in for story time with kindergartners and one has to ask, “What is all this about?” What is encouraging Americans to go all out on this gender dysphoria fad while Europe is putting on the brakes in regard to the treatment of this ‘condition?’ And does the current environment where children are being diagnosed as having gender dysphoria even fit with the Dutch Protocol which establishes its treatment?

This past weekend, I listened to an interview with Dr. Miriam Grossman on Epoch TV – Thought Leaders. Then started to do my own research. According to Dr. Grossman, a child psychiatrist for the past 40 years and author of Your Teaching My Child What?, this nurture versus nature trend was championed in the 1960’s by Dr. John Money, a psychiatrist at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and the primary advocate of “the world’s first clinic devoted solely to the practice of converting adults from one sex to the other” (John Colapinto), at a HOSPITAL committed to the Hippocratic oath. Evidently, in that decade, the Y chromosome was considered a ‘genetic wasteland’ with little information stored on it other than pertaining to masculine characteristics such as the lower voice and genitals. Thus, Dr. Money theorized that when a child is born, their “assigned birth sex” has nothing to do with their gender identity. They are born as a ‘blank slate’ and their nurture and environment determines whether they are masculine or feminine.

In 1967, Dr. Money was presented with the perfect subjects to prove his theory – identical twin boys. When about 8 months old, one of the boys was taken into surgery to correct a restrictive foreskin with a ‘electrocautery machine.’ In attempting to cut the foreskin of his infant penis, his genital was severely burned. This required an emergency catheter be installed through an incision in the infant’s abdomen to allow discharge from his bladder. Fortunately, after this accident, his brother was not taken into surgery. About a year later, the parents’ hope was rekindled when they saw an interview with Dr. Money about sex reassignment. On consultation with Dr. Money, he advised the parents to surgically remove the remaining genitals and raise the boy as a girl. He emphasized for this to be successful, they must never mention that he was born as a boy. Being loving parents only wanting the best for their boys, they followed the advise of this renown psychiatrist at John Hopkins Hospital. After the surgery to fully castrate their son, they changed his name to Brenda and raised him as their daughter. Each year the family would travel from Canada to see Dr. Money who interviewed the children individually and told the parents that Brenda was doing fantastic and their nurturing of him as a girl was resulting in a well-adjusted young lady. After about 8 yrs, Dr. Money published a paper on how this set of twins proved his theory that children were born as a blank slate and that their gender was established by nurture, not by their chromosomes. Dr. Money, the champion of “the world’s first clinic devoted solely to the practice of converting adults from one sex to the other,” had now shown that it could also be done with children. He was quickly recognized as an expert on the subject, received funding from government agencies, and got away with it long enough to establish his theory that a person’s gender is male, female, other, or neither based on nurture and not genetics.

Based on his research, the Dutch experimented with 55 teens whose only psychiatric issue was gender dysphoria and developed the “Dutch Protocol” for those who, in every other regard were healthy and well adjusted, were suffering only from gender dysphoria. They were careful to determine that nothing else, like abuse or family issues, were contributing to their dysphoria. This Dutch Protocol introduced using puberty blockers on these teens and then hormone treatment to promote the gender by which the teen identified.

What is so disturbing to me is that based on 2010 data from the National Center for Victims of Crime (, “1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse;” and that estimate is considered low. The article goes on to state:

A child who is the victim of prolonged sexual abuse usually develops low self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and an abnormal or distorted view of sex. The child may become withdrawn and mistrustful of adults, and can become suicidal.

My suspicion is that many of these children and teens currently ‘diagnosed’ with ‘gender dysphoria” are actually dealing with sexual abuse. It appears that the presenting symptoms are similar and the professionals in today’s education system, instead of probing for the root issues, may stop investigating after a quick ‘gender dysphoria’ diagnosis.

While that may apply to teenagers, what about young children? Why the push to introduce children to sexual issues and choices? I found this article in a Pediatric Education 2018 publication titled, ‘What is the Dutch Protocol for Gender Dysphoria?’, it states that:

Gender identity is a developmental process. At 3-7 years are when children typically develop a sense of being a boy, being a girl or something else. By age 6-7 years the child realizes that their gender is likely to remain constant. Ages 10-13 years are very important for gender identity development as this is the time when physical puberty, gendered social relationships and romantic feelings arise. Many youth who are gender nonconforming, do not have gender dysphoria and are happy with their lived experiences. Other youth may be distressed but it may be difficult to discern if gender dysphoria will persist or desist over time. Having some experience with their own physical changes at puberty appears to be important in determining (at least partially) if gender dysphoria will persist or resolve.

It appears that the thinking at the apex of this Trust Pyramid is that children as young as 3 should be introduced to these concepts so that they can decide on their gender before puberty, thus allowing puberty blockers to arrest the hormonal release initiating puberty. This has also brought our society to a point where most under the age of 18 understand gender to be totally independent of genitalia and LGBTQ+ is normal and acceptable. To our young adults, ‘gender is determined between the ears and not between the legs.’ (Dr. Miriam Grossman)

In 2000, John Colapinto chronicled the childhood and adolescence of Brenda who converted back to a male at age 14, taking the name of David. This journalist uncovered the fraud in Dr. John Money’s experiment with the twins, a fraud which was the basis of his now established theory that gender is nurture, not genetics. Maybe later I will write more after reading the story myself.

When the basis of the premise is flawed, such as in Dr. Money’s experiment, then the rest of the pyramid of trust is deceived. Are we are seeing this with the current rash of those dealing with gender dysphoria? What about the COVID vaccine which was not a vaccine and a CDC that has approved shots without full testing?

Are we seeing it in our government? Do they have the majority’s best interest in mind? Were the Department of Justice and the Attorney General a-political when stating that there was no large-scale corruption in the 2020 vote? Yet Dinesh D’Souza documented significant ‘irregularities’ in his movie “2000 Mules”. Considering the attention paid to voting integrity this most recent election, I am wondering if some significant illegal activity did occur to add validity to the “2000 Mules” conspiracy theory dismissed by NPR.

Is America perhaps starting to realize that the integrity and truthfulness awarded to the top of our Truth Pyramid is slipping off the edge?

Maybe we need to start thinking and questioning again.


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