LGBTQ Virginian Rights in the Public School

If I’m understanding the data correctly, 44% of Virginian students attend a public school that has adopted the 2021 VDOE Model Policy passed by Gov. Northam. Further, “The state legislature passed 11 pro-equality bills including protections for LGBTQ elders and people living with HIV, affirming the right to marry, repealing harmful legal loopholes, and recognizing diverse family structures.” (Equality website - 2021 Victories!)

This past week-end, Gov. Youngkin’s administration, likely spearheaded by Lt. Gov. Sears, introduced a new policy. 

 According to the new guidelines, public schools cannot affirm a student’s gender without parents’ written requests.  In addition, bathroom and locker room use is to be based on students’ sex, defined as the biological sex at birth.  Student sports participation should be sex-based as well unless federal laws require otherwise.

 The new policies are a complete reversal of the previous guidelines, which define transgender as a student’s “self-identifying term.” Those rules, which took effect in March 2021 under former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, ask schools to consider not disclosing a student’s gender identity to the parents “if a student is not ready or able to safely share” it with their family.

“Virginia Overhauls Transgender Student Policies on Pronouns, Bathrooms, and Sports” By Terri Wu September 17, 2022  Epoch Times

What alarms me is that 44% of our state’s students attend schools that have already fully adopted these 2021 VDOE Model Policies created under Gov. Northam!   If Gov. Youngkin had not been elected, it would likely be a much larger percentage.   But 44% in one year!   It also alarms me that so many state senators and delegates have been sponsoring these efforts.   (See below for more details.)  I am reminded of the maxim that: “All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”  (Edmund Burke)  While many good Virginians have been swamped with daily survival, evil has become established in many of our schools.  (Often aided by the pandemic lock downs.)  According to the Equality Virginia, only 9 of the 120 school boards in Virginia have rejected the 2021 VDOE Model Policies!  Most of the school boards have adopted some part of these policies.

Recently I read of a school that had set up a room with donated girls’ outfits that “transgender” boys could change into for the school day without the parent’s knowledge!

While alarmed at these legislative advances, my compassion is for the students transitioning from child to teenager to adult without parents with whom they can discuss their array of feelings.  Epoch Times recently ran the story of a young man who was not sure of his sexuality and his school guidance counselor immediately affirmed him as transgender.  But when his father found out, his cure was to take him to a brothel and pay a woman (or at least someone identifying as a women on that day) to introduce his son to sex.   25 years ago I had a similar situation while facilitating a youth group at a private all-male boarding school.  Sitting in the school chapel, the young student told me that he had been raped in the shower room.  I later learned that his father took him to a prostitute to “clarify” his confusion.  At the time I was appalled at the father’s solution and hoped it was rather unique.   Apparently not.

My Appeal to Parents:

Although it may be uncomfortable for both you and your children, talk with them about their feelings and potential confusion of becoming an adult.  Today’s teenagers have shocked me with what they already know about their body, sex, and sexual activity.   These ‘health’ classes may provide the opening you need to overcome that hurdle of not knowing what to say, particularly if your own journey into adulthood had been tumultuous or even abusive.   Discussing your experiences and feelings in an appropriate manner will coach them in understanding their changing world.  Use these classes as a launch point into this subject with your children.  Ask what they have learned at school?    Ask how they are taught to interact with others, to treat others.  Discuss sexual behaviors that are healthy and godly and how to respond to those who have other perspectives.   I have read that for many students, being “trans” or “non-binary” is a way to get attention and may even be a fad similar to the fads we had as kids – but much more dangerous. 

 Well, this is getting long.  Parents, please get involved in your school district, even if you are labeled as a domestic terrorist.  Purpose and work to create a home environment where your teens feel comfortable to discuss their confusing feelings and drives, or even those of their classmates.  They are teenagers.   And if you are unsure how to coach your kids in an age-appropriate manner, I have listed some resources below. 

 Parents, communicate with your kids and share your experiences and lessons learned.  Knowledge without the wisdom of how to engage that knowledge is hazardous.  It is like giving someone a stick of dynamite and matches and saying, “Be careful, this will go BOOM!”   Natural curiosity wants to see how BIG a boom.

 There is an old proverb that states:

Desire without knowledge is not good—

    how much more will hasty feet miss the way!

Proverbs 19:2

 Endeavoring to Practice His Presence,

Steven D. Webber

 Additional Resources:

  1. Local church, pastor, or Biblical counselor

  2. The Family Foundation –

  3. Other parents who seem to have figured it out.


For further information, see the Epoch Times article, “Children Are Being Influenced by ‘Trans Trends’.”

The Boring Details

The 2021 Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools (just checked and this link may no longer be working) In response to House Bill 145 and Senate Bill 161 that were enacted by the 2020 Virginia General Assembly, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) developed Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.
Pursuant to § 22.1-23.3This link takes you out of the Virginia Department of Education website of the Code of Virginia, local school boards shall adopt policies consistent with these model policies by the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.

  1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 22.1-23.3 as follows § 22.1-23.3. Treatment of transgender students; policies.

    A. The Department of Education shall develop and make available to each school board model policies concerning the treatment of transgender students in public elementary and secondary schools that address common issues regarding transgender students in accordance with evidence-based best practices and include information, guidance, procedures, and standards relating to:
    1. Compliance with applicable nondiscrimination laws;
    2. Maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students;
    3. Prevention of and response to bullying and harassment;
    4. Maintenance of student records;
    5. Identification of students;
    6. Protection of student privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive information;
    7. Enforcement of sex-based dress codes; and
    8. Student participation in sex-specific school activities, events, and use of school facilities.
    Activities and events do not include athletics:

    B. Each school board shall adopt policies that are consistent with but may be more comprehensive than the model policies developed by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) pursuant to subsection A."

