
What would the United States look like if it was occupied by a force opposing its founding principles?

Perhaps government, at all levels, would own the children and sidelined the parents. And as more educated and enlightened, know what is best to destroy the child’s innocence?

Perhaps parents so entangled in life that they don’t notice any change. Or perhaps fear that “state” law enforcement will take them away in handcuffs for passionately pointing out the results of the more enlightened elite.

Perhaps growing restrictions of a nation’s religious freedoms.

Perhaps judges that hide behind another judge’s rulings in favor of allowing genital manipulation of children and young teens behind some compassionate sounding title. Or sanctuary states that prohibit a parent from interfering with their child’s castration.

Perhaps a small vocal minority filling key governing positions or pastorates to enforce their agenda.

Perhaps a government that requires experimental vaccines for a person to keep their job. Quickly weeding out those with religious convictions and overlooking the negative health consequences.

Perhaps a government that implements rules that require more work to survive on less.

Perhaps a government that squashes peaceful “insurrectionists” after inserting agents to instigate any violence. Perhaps a government that controls the public narratives and censors alternate “fiction.”

Based on some “conservative” reports, the United States has been fully occupied by forces opposing its constitutional foundation. If this is true, then the mountain has landed and all that can be done is for the resistance to chip away at what is already here.

Is the United States of America already occupied?


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