Idols influence and direct many of our actions.   Most Christians have numerous “ghost” idols. 

“Ghost” idols are typically not perceived or recognized as influential idols.

They are often camouflaged as “needs” or “rights”.  

  • A need for comfort

  • A right to happiness

  • A need for security

  • A right to Healthcare

  • A need for affirmation

  • A right to respect

Yet, even with this team of idols governing life, a few hours of a Christian’s week may be devoted to worshipping God and allowing Him to direct their actions.  But the rest of the week is given in service to these “ghost” idols.

Perhaps Father was endeavoring to expose these “ghost” idols when he states:

I, the Lord, will answer all those, both Israelites and foreigners, who reject me and set up idols in their hearts and so fall into sin, and who then come to a prophet asking for my advice.  I will turn against such people and make a terrible example of them, eliminating them from among my people.  Then you will know that I am the LORD.  Ezekiel 14:7-9

Yet they knew that the first commandment given to Moses was:

“You shall have no other gods before Me. …  You shall not worship them nor serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, inflicting the punishment of the fathers on the children,” Exodus 20:3-5

So what fool would worship an idol in the face of a jealous God?   Is this not what God is addressing in Ezekiel 14?  People setting up idols in their hearts, falling into sin, and then seeking advice from the God they have just angered with idolatry.

Perhaps, like many today, they did not recognize the “ghost” idols they had set up in their hearts and thus did not intend to anger God.

Ghost idols that govern one’s actions may be everyday needs, wants, and values.  When these motivate one’s actions more than the Spirit, they have been elevated to idols in one’s heart.

Ghost idols include achievements; cars; M.V.P. (Marijuana, video games, & pornography), relationships, fears, lusts, or even being loved or respected.   

Often Ghost Idols are God created desires that have “gone off the rails”.   Manipulating others so as to be loved by them elevates that God created desire to a Ghost idol.   

When any of these desires interfere with loving God with all that you have and loving others as yourself, then they have become idols in your heart.  Although often unperceived, Ghost Idols are controlling idols.

Debt is a common Ghost Idol.  What desires lead one into debt?  

  • Wanting to live in a neighborhood with good schools for the children?  

  • A house that has at least one bedroom for each child?  

  • Husband and wife both being “fulfilled” by their separate careers?

Activities are also common Ghost Idols.  What values are more demanding than having time or energy to draw near to Father, to experience Him?

  • Security

  • Quality time with the children

  • Physical fitness

  • Career advancement

  • A spotless house or a perfect lawn

Can you discern a couple of the Ghost Idols in your heart that cause you to sideline Father for your own pursuits?  If not, ask God what is getting between you and Him.  (Sometimes others see the idols more clearly then we do.)

Then LISTEN.  

Do not rationalize the idols He reveals.  You may need the help of others to remove the command of the idols in your heart.   As many of these Ghost Idols have established stubborn habits in your interaction with others and with Father, it may take considerable time to break free from their influence.

Please, don’t be like the people in Ezekiel 14 that “set up idols in their hearts and so fall into sin, and who then come to a prophet asking” for God’s council.

Remember the Lord Almighty’s response:  

I will turn against such people and make a terrible example of them, eliminating them from among my people.  Then you will know that I am the LORD.  


I Can’t Forgive God


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