Maybe not Perfect, But Practice Does Refine
Steven Webber Steven Webber

Maybe not Perfect, But Practice Does Refine

My 1960’s 126mm camera took “memories.” After 5 decades of training and practice and 8 cameras, I have improved significantly.

Any ability or skill typically improves with practice. Yet many Christians never seem to grow past being a spiritual toddler. Hebrews 5 addresses this phenomenon in the early church.
Maturing requires training and discipline to learn to “distinguish good from evil.“ (Hebrews 5:14)

Mature followers of Jesus are teachers.

To mature is to increasingly resemble Jesus. But if you find yourself on that plateau of surviving on the elemental truths, but want more, then start looking for others who are a bit ahead of you in their training and maturity.

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Steven Webber Steven Webber


GOOD is defined by the judge. Those who like high concentrations of Capsaicin consider Ghost Peppers tasty.

GOOD is not an absolute. When that being considered moves the judge’s objective forward, then it is declared good.

God is good all the time. “God causes all things to work together for good …. according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) If it accomplishes His purpose, then it is good.

Yet when we complain or grumble, we are informing God that WE know GOOD and that our judgement of what is GOOD is superior to His judgement of GOOD in this particular situation.

Do Christians need to rediscover the sovereignty of our Creator executed over His vast timeline and concede our short sightedness?

"The only possible answer, or so it seems, is to define goodness as that which brings about the inevitable, as set by God." Abarim Publications

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The Practical Atheist Christian Enjoys Porn
Steven Webber Steven Webber

The Practical Atheist Christian Enjoys Porn

Pornography - for the follower of Jesus stuck in the mud of porn, there is hope for getting un-stuck and moving forward without being hung-up on porn.

This tackles the issue of Christians stuck in the mire of porn.

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Steven Webber Steven Webber


Idols influence and direct many of our actions. Most Christians have numerous “ghost” idols. “Ghost” idols are typically not perceived or recognized as influential idols. They are often camouflaged as “needs” or “rights”.

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Doubts and ?’s about your Christianity? – Excellent
Steven Webber Steven Webber

Doubts and ?’s about your Christianity? – Excellent

Have questions about your faith? That is actually fantastic. It means that you are endeavoring to apply your faith to daily life and, in so doing, are discovering there are some beliefs that do not match-up with your life experiences.

This is my story of of dealing with my doubts.

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Volun-told - And Not Told   
Steven Webber Steven Webber

Volun-told - And Not Told   

Being volunteered without a choice is called being “Volun-told”. But what happens when God “Volun-told” a man named Job, yet never told Job he was volunteered for the experiment?

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Child Abuse & the Sovereign Α&Ω
Steven Webber Steven Webber

Child Abuse & the Sovereign Α&Ω

The most heinous of actions is abusing a child. The repercussions and suffering may last a lifetime.

When terrible things, such as child abuse, happen with no apparent justification, asking God for an explanation is often like a toddler asking a doctor to explain, in specific medical terms, exactly what is damaged in their hurting foot. Then, upon hearing the explanation, to expect the toddler to comprehend and then bravely trust the doctor as the treatment causes even more pain.

Besides not comprehending anything this stranger in the white coat has just said, the toddler has no experience with this man and will scream his heart out when the doctor just touches his foot.

Our Creator is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. Understanding these terms introduces one to the concept of the Sovereignty of God. Being Sovereign means being in complete control. It means that our Creator has composed and orchestrated every child abuse occurrence along with every other blessing and tragedy.

It is only because of one’s experience with God in their life that they can continue to trust that He is working all things together for the good without understanding His reasons for instigating the pain and suffering.

Following is a glimpse of my journey of following a God who composes and orchestrates child abuse. I do not like considering that this is the God I follow. But my experiences with Father over the past 5 decades leaves me little choice but to acknowledge His Sovereignty, to trust Him, and to wait for greater understanding on the other side of this life.

Please prove to me that this understanding of God’s Sovereignty is false.

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Seeing my Father in Me
Steven Webber Steven Webber

Seeing my Father in Me

Seeing my Father in Me. Jesus said that when one looked at Him, they also saw the Father. How could the omnipresent Father be expressed in a man named Jesus?

If you call God your Father, how much do others see Jesus in your actions and words?

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Have a Baby at Our Age?  Seriously?
Steven Webber Steven Webber

Have a Baby at Our Age? Seriously?

How does one act when God promises the impossible? Abraham and Sarah laughed at the ludicrous idea that they could give birth at 90 & 100 years old. At least they were polite enough to stifle their laughter. But God.

This blog is a brief look at the process of faith in God as demonstrated by Abraham and Sarah.

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WOW     Incredible
Steven Webber Steven Webber

WOW Incredible

WOW Incredible

Father solved this in a way that I never imagined.

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